Category Standard

16 Sep

Fundraising: RHFC Embraces Financial Support by UK-based NGO, Reacts with ‘Thank You Letter’ to Show Appreciation

 The Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon (RHFC) has been empowered with a £400 donation by The Strathspey Charitable Fund (SCT).   According to its terms, this would cover logistical expenses linked […]


16 Sep

Our Newsletter for last week (September 08th-14th) is now available

<p>As we entered a new month (September), the RHFC has so far been engaged with a number of projects-related activities—prominent amongst which, was the launching of a co-owned ecommerce platform called "CHARINEX"</p> <a href="" download> <button style="background-color: #ff8018; color: white; padding: 15px 30px; border-radius: 8px; border: 2px solid #ff8018; cursor: pointer; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; box-shadow: 0px 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); transition: background-color 0.3s ease;"> Click Here to Download </button> </a>


2 Sep

Charinex New E-commerce platform launching

Shop the best deals on Charinex! Top products, unbeatable prices, and fast & free shipping. Discover a wide range of products at Charinex. Shop now for exclusive deals and discounts! Quality you trust, prices you'll love. Visit Charinex for your shopping needs today!


20 Dec

Donation to Our Partner School Lycee de Ngousso in Yaounde

We were recently contacted by Lycee de Ngousso , our partner school in Yaounde Cameroon to assist with the provision of food and some school material to vulnerable children and their families .


8 Dec

Summer Holidays Play & Learning Scheme

The program will consists of creating and delivering educational activities around the following areas: Computing, English learning, Gardening, etc.


28 Nov

Training & Learning Programs

Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon Training program aim is to offer leadership and entrepreneurship skills to unemployed from various backgrounds